View the Project on GitHub COG-UK/docs

Updated 2020-07-19 by @samstudio8

Providing metadata

Basics and terminology

Reporting standards for the consortium


For a sample to be accepted for upload to CLIMB, and used in downstream analyses, you must provide the following:

You cannot change the COGUK ID once it has been submitted.

You should aim to provide as much information as possible about a sample to the consortium. See a full list of fields that have been deemed acceptable for the consortium to collect.

Be sure that you have the governance and permission in place to share metadata before it is uploaded to CLIMB. Uploaded information may quickly be incorporated into downstream artifacts and shared around the consortium. Do not simply follow what other sites are doing, rules will differ between countries and health boards in the UK.


For a library to be listed on CLIMB, you must provide the following:

You cannot change the library_name once it has been submitted.

You should also provide information pertinent to performing QC and filtering on your downstream analyses here, such as the version of the ARTIC protocol and primer pools (if used).

See more information on library metadata.

Sequencing Runs

You cannot change the run_name once it has been submitted.

The API will allow you to tag your sequencing runs with arbitrary key value pairs if you wish to provide more information about your sequencing run, or the downstream bioinformatics.

See more information on run metadata.

Metadata storage

Metadata is stored by Majora. You can log into Majora with your CLIMB unified account. New users should register and wait to have their account approved by the system administrators.

Methods for metadata submission

Metadata can be submitted in three ways. No matter which option you use, you will need to know your unified CLIMB user name and get an API token. Your username should have been emailed to you once your account was approved. You can see your token on your user profile.

We anticipate that sites will find using the CSV/TSV interface for uploading biosamples the most straightforward, and the ocarina command line tool for providing library and sequencing information. Advanced users are welcome to communicate with the API directly.

Help and support

Published 2020-03-29. Updated 2020-07-19. Page maintainer @samstudio8.